Thursday, February 23, 2012

First Jewellery Making Class - Rivets!

I am lucky enough to live in Seattle close to one of the best beading shops in the state - the Fusion Beads. They have most beading supplies and tools one might need when beginning making jwelllery. AND they offer classes; same classes with same teachers that are available at different bead festivals.
Following my resolution to learn more techniques (via my last post) I have signed up for a few of the classes - not to be revealed in advance, just so you have something to look forward, just like I do:).
My first class was "Making Rivets". First half of the class was dedicated to learning how to make rivets from a wire, the second class was supposed to demonstrate use of the Riveting System (available via
Here are pictures from the first hald of the class:

My first rivet made with sterling silver wire on a copper sheet:

Detail of the rivet (the sheet is scratched, but I was still proud of my very first rivet!):

1 comment:

  1. Nice information! It was an amazing reflective information and this blog is a great source of information that is useful. Thanks for sharing such kind of useful information...

